Habakkuk Circle Ministries

Life, Business, Career and Ministry Coaching

Featured Publications

Gwen's Book

Gwen authored a book about the spiritual journey that men take as God deals with them and leads them to do His work.

Cultivating The Path That Brings God To Men is a must read for everyone, not just men.

Gwen's Bachelor Degree

Gwen received her Bachelor of Christian Counseling and Biblical Studies in 2022 from Koinania Theological College Belgium, West African Campus in Fimie Town Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Gwen's Master Degree

Gwen received her Master of Christian Counseling degree in 2023 from Koinania Theological College Belgium, West African Campus in Fimie Town Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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Gwen's Ministry

Gwen grew up in a ruff neighborhood which gave her a heart and desire to help others and a strong belief in God to direct her journey through life.

Gwen felt she was not doing enough and prayed for wisdom and strength to carry on.


Love Conference

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2909 East Arkansas Lane
Suite C-526
Arlington, TX 76010

Business Coaching
Career Coaching
Interview Coaching
Personal Coaching
Professional Coaching
Grant Writing
Goal Settings
Interpersonal Growth
Self Discovery

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